Friday, June 21, 2013

"Anyone Can Be A "Runner"

Conquering my first 21 k is such a great accomplishment, I am flat footed, not an athlete by birth and my family called me "a weakling. And yet I have endured the longest journey of my life.

"Anyone can be a runner if you just try to pursue it. It is not how fast you are or how far you can go that makes you a runner but it is all about the journey".(Jessica Rubin Cohen).
Running promotes the ideals of hard work and dedication. What you put into it is what you'll get out of it, and it can change your life forever!" - Lynda Lurei of Hit the Road Jane

This is extra special for me too because I was running with my husband. I am proud that we did not give up and we both crossed the finish line.  I am glad that we are committed to doing this together. He did not stop believing in me and He did not even scare me to enlist to a relay team in Tabuelan 111 eventhough my training did not suffice.

This new endeavor in my life is such a fulfillment because I have proven to myself that everything is possible because God is our strength. Never a day I have not asked God to help me in this race. And He did not fail me and my husband. All I asked from God is just a safe run, I can cross the finish line and I can go home to my little boys in good shape. I am happy because He gave me more than what I expected.

I am grateful for people who are generous to share this kind of fun. Ryan Tumbagahan and Patricia Ann Puentevella, they are truly triathletes because they selflessly share what they know about this race. For my family and bestfriends who prayed for me and encouraged me a lot. Thank you so much!

To God be the glory for another answered prayer. It is His strength that carried me through the finish line.

Friday, April 5, 2013

How to plan a kid's party...

Last month my eldest son has just celebrated his 5th birthday and the theme was Jake and the never land pirates. 
As I recall at the age of 2 my son started to appreciate birthday parties. He himself chose the theme for his 2nd Hi-5 Birthday Party and since then, he always looks forward on birthday celebrations.
I love throwing a uniquely-themed birthday parties for my kiddos. I would call it a hobby because I love surprising them with their favorite themes. My parties are not extravagant. I am happy celebrating it with family and closed friends. It is the details that I love doing like the invites, decors, games, giveaways, prizes and table and buffet settings.
What really matters is how you make their day extra special. I love collecting photos to keep fond memories of their childhood birthday celebrations.

How to plan a kid's party...

Ten weeks in advance start brainstorming with your child the theme, venue and no of guest lists to invite.
On the third week finalize the prospective attendees. Include RSVP date and cellphone where u can be reached. It is rewarding if you know the correct number of kids and adults who are attending. Kids are important. So it would be good if all kids are present. 
Deliver invites 2 weeks before the party.  Send a text message 2 days before the party for reminder.

Keep the party short
Fun Games ( set aside extra prizes for babies and toddlers who are not joining)
Choose prizes and giveaways that are safe for children ( arts and craft materials)
Plan simple meals
Keep the kids constantly occupied
Safe proof the venue 
First aid kit - bumps and bruises . Keep it handy along with an ice pack

Here are some photos of my son's pirate party.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

God's everlasting Love....

God's everlasting love...

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness"- Jeremiah 31:3

Only in God's love we can feel whole and secure. His love is limitless regardless of appearance, ability, financial stability or social status. He will accept you for who you are and whatever your past may be.

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.- Romans 5:8

How do you show your love to a person? It is through giving, right? That is what God gave us. He sacrificed His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for our behalf so that all sins will be forgiven and we will be given a new Life with Him. He assured us that if you receive Him as your Lord and savior you are part in His family. You will be enjoying all the privileges of a legitimate child. 

"This is love for God: to obey His commands and His commands are not burdensome...
-1 John 5:3

I am The Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, The Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, but showing love to a thousand (generations) of those who love Me and keep My commandments.- Exodus 20:2-6

Giving your life to God is surrendering everything to Him. You must obey and worship Him alone. 

Remember this 3 key points in your daily walk with Him.
- have a grateful heart by thanking Him for every blessing He has given you.
- think of Him always through prayers and reading the bible.
- trust in Him whatever circumstances you may encounter.

Source: intentional moves 1-know Christ

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Prayer of Jabez

Have you ever felt down and uncertain? It could be work, health, upcoming project, business transaction, love, financial status or future. All of us even the wealthiest and the most successful person is not immune to this problem. Sometimes we ignore it by simply not minding that it exists, but it keeps coming back unless it's resolved.
Just today I am worried about my business transaction and while I was calling God's name and asking His help, a thought about the prayer of Jabez crossed my mind. I searched it through the internet and I found out this short story about him:
 The prayer of Jabez is found in a historical note within a genealogy: “Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, ‘I gave birth to him in pain.’ Jabez cried out to God of Israel, ‘Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request” (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). 
Jabez was a prayerful man and His faith in God is extraordinary. There are also other bible characters whose prayers are powerful and God granted their prayers too. For Jabez his way of delivering his prayer is different from others.

After breezing through it, it gave me confidence to ask God and command Him to bless me, to prosper me, to keep me safe and free me from pain. It slowly helped me ease my worries that God is there for us. For He will grant our petitions. Start praying like the prayer of Jabez declaring to God everything and asking Him for prosperity each day of your life.

As Lenten seasons approaches let us not forget to thank God for all that He has done for us. First we should thank God for our savior Jesus Christ who died for our sins. Rejoice because we have a living God. Develop an intimate relationship with Him through receiving Him as your personal Lord and Savior. Nothing can make you feel better than the assurance that you are truly a child of God. Lastly read His words daily. Sing songs that will glorify Him. You will be amazed by His character. Pray spontaneously and release everything to Him. 

Real prayer—the kind of prayer Jesus mentioned and modeled—is realistic, spontaneous, down-to-earth communication with the living Lord that results in a relief of personal anxiety and a calm assurance that our God is in full control of our circumstances. By Charles Swindoll


Try checking some of the links that I love to read: 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

It's summer time once again!

It's Summer time once again!

     As the end of school year approaches, every parent has the same question: " what am I going to keep my child occupied this summer?" 
This ten weeks of vacation for kids will be a great opportunity for them to enhance their skills and talent be it in music, arts, baking, sports, photography, and outdoor exposures. 
A lot of schools and other private groups are offering summer workshops. It usually starts on April until May. 
      For my little boys I enrolled them to vacation bible school in our church, basic arts, introduction of musical instruments, dancing and swimming. My eldest son will join the McDonald's kiddie crew for 5 sessions. They will have 2 beaches to visit.
      This is one way of introducing to our little tykes that summer must be exciting and full of fun. Take time to discuss your options with your children. Plan it out well their schedule of activities so that it will not exhaust them. Remember summer is for relaxing and enjoying. Let us not forget also that this is the time to be with our family at home building memories together.  After all, it is summer.

Maintain a balance between activities with groups and time with family.

Here are the list that you can do with your children:
-search for kids craft from the Internet
-bake in your own kitchen
-play game boards
-invite over friends to play with them
-jog and bike around the village
-visit your local library and read a book
-bring your kiddo to a coffee shop with their favorite books or magazines
-tag him or her along when you do errands like grocery
-do gardening
-put up an inflatable pool in the backyard 
-teach your kids the old fashion games during your time like "tumba lata", "piko", etc.
-look for a nice video which you can have a movie marathon with popcorn on the side
-dress them up and take a photo and post it in FB.

May this summer will create fond memories for our little children.   

Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Mother's fear is what our God bears.

      We have no hold of the events that will occur in the future. Only God knows all of it. As I recall my teen years I always wonder why my parents were so strict and protective of us. I hated them for being so kill joy and conservative. My mother was the most persistent in waiting when I am not home for a girl's night out. She will go down on her knees praying whenever we're away. Little did I know that it was our armor from danger because they were praying for our safety. I was so insensitive and careless then but now I know the real feeling of a parent. 

        Now that I am a mother of two boys my fear as a parent is coming back to me . You may think I am over reacting because my boys are just 5 and 3 years old but believe me that at this age, I have fears. Especially now that they are in school. A lot of things can happen like accidents and influences from other kids. Take for instance my eldest son. In the house he is a good boy who doesn't hurt his little brother, it was so surprising that in school he misbehaves. The teacher always calls my attention because he does well in school academically but his conduct needs to be fixed. I had a one on one conversation with my son and he said it was his classmate who always starts everything. My child is so friendly and gullible that he easily follows his classmates.  The peer pressure and influences are present in young children nowadays. One time he told me that there was this boy in his class who didn't want him to have an excellent stamp always. Coming from his mouth he said " he is so greedy mom, why is he like that?" And I told him "son, you should know your true friends. A friend should be giving, loving and caring".  And he replied "well he is not worth keeping" but the next day he still played with that boy. He said "I'm not following him if its bad mom". 
       We sometimes neglect these things because they are young and i believe this is where good parenting comes in. How we can control it and how we can stay confident is through constant prayers for our children whenever they are away. Praying for their safety, the friends they will meet, the future they will choose and the partner they will live with for the rest of their lives is a parent's responsibility. Constant communication with our children and knowing their friends are good ways of keeping track on how they behave.

       Our loving God, we thank you for our children. We thank you for giving us the opportunity to be parents to instill goodness in their hearts. Give us wisdom everyday in every decisions that we will make in rearing our children. Help us to be good steward for this little creatures that you have blessed upon us. We entrust them to you and look after them whenever we are away from them. All this we pray. Amen

Thursday, February 21, 2013

God's love never fails....

A minute with The Lord:

Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.   ---- Isaiah 49:15

What a beautiful promise of The Lord for His children. His love is more than the love of a mother to her offspring. I am a mother too and I know how precious my children are to me but God's love is more than that. He knows everything about us. All our worries, all our joys and all our dreams. Let us not fret for whatever troubles we have today. Look up and believe that he took care of it already. All we need to do is to take time to pray and pour out to Him everything. Be free and comforted. His love never fails.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weekend recipe for my lil' boys

Weekend is a time for our kiddos to get busy with anything they like. My eldest son named addy loves to pretend he is a chef. He is fascinated with preparing and cooking. Since he can not do the baking himself. I searched for no baking and cooking recipes. Thanks to smart parenting because they have this recipes for kids to enjoy to prepare.

Tip: it would be perfect if you use mixer to thicken the cream.

Cookies & Cream Ref Cake
Source: smart parenting

•    16 pieces chocolate cream-filled sandwich cookies
•    1 pack    NESTLÉ All Purpose Cream
•    1/4 cup    confectioner’s sugar
•    6 slices    store-bought chiffon or sponge cake
•    1/2 cup    semisweet miniature chocolate morsels
•    4 pieces chocolate cream-filled sandwich cookies, coarsely crushed

In an 8.5” x 4” loaf pan with waxed paper or aluminum foil. 
Arrange 8 pieces of sandwich cookies at the bottom of the prepared pan and set aside.
Beat cream with confectioner’s sugar until thick. Spread 3-4 tbsp of the mixture on top of the prepared cookies.
Arrange 3 slices of chiffon cake on top of the cream mixture, followed by another layer of sandwich cookies. Finish with the remaining cream.

Watch these little bakers get started!

Sprinkle with chocolate morsels and crushed sandwich cookies.
*we used nips instead because that's what available in our pantry

Cover with foil or waxed paper and freeze for 2 hours or until set. To serve, unmold, slice and arrange in a platter.

* my boys had a blast although it did not turn out perfect but they enjoyed eating.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013