Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Prepping up for valentine's day

A minute with the Lord:

1 Corinthians 13:6-7
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love is the greatest word of all because it can heal and do wonders if you just believe in it. Let us freely show our love not only to our loved ones and friends but also to those who are in need of love.

To express our love to someone special it should not be extravagant and stressful. All you need is just your sweet tricks and your little touch.
1. Early in the morning: start prepare your love breakfast.
   Heart French toast with cinnamon
   Ready mix hot chocolate drink or brewed coffee
   Heart spam
   And a long stem of rosé with special note like "you are my dream come true"

   Put it all in the tray and surprise him or her for a breakfast in bed.
   Don't forget to take time with The Lord by reading His word and praying.

2. Stick a special note on the mirror that says " you are my happy"
    That will surely make him/her smile early in the morning.

3. Prepare his/her bath needs.

4. Choose your favorite outfit that will surely look good on him/her.
      Lay it down on the bed together with his/her hankies, watch and jewelries.
      Leave a sticky note on top of the clothes that says " I love taking care of     

5. Pack snacks, fruit drink and water for him/her to munch during the day.
      Stick a note on the rear view mirror that says "be safe and I love you"
6. Prepare your bedroom with clean sheets and scented candles. This can bring great scents. Try to come up with a theme of scents such as bakery (chocolate, coffee, cookies) or fruity (watermelon, cherries, peach, strawberry).

7. Cook a delicious dinner.

8. Set up the dining table with a romantic feel.

9. Get ready of your love songs to play while your having dinner.

10. Choose an all time favorite sweet flicks and watch together with your honey while cuddling each other.

11. Don't forget to have lemonade and popcorn on the side for midnight snacks.
     You can use microwave ready popcorn and just sprinkle some flavoring.

Have a memorable and romantic night.

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