Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Mother's fear is what our God bears.

      We have no hold of the events that will occur in the future. Only God knows all of it. As I recall my teen years I always wonder why my parents were so strict and protective of us. I hated them for being so kill joy and conservative. My mother was the most persistent in waiting when I am not home for a girl's night out. She will go down on her knees praying whenever we're away. Little did I know that it was our armor from danger because they were praying for our safety. I was so insensitive and careless then but now I know the real feeling of a parent. 

        Now that I am a mother of two boys my fear as a parent is coming back to me . You may think I am over reacting because my boys are just 5 and 3 years old but believe me that at this age, I have fears. Especially now that they are in school. A lot of things can happen like accidents and influences from other kids. Take for instance my eldest son. In the house he is a good boy who doesn't hurt his little brother, it was so surprising that in school he misbehaves. The teacher always calls my attention because he does well in school academically but his conduct needs to be fixed. I had a one on one conversation with my son and he said it was his classmate who always starts everything. My child is so friendly and gullible that he easily follows his classmates.  The peer pressure and influences are present in young children nowadays. One time he told me that there was this boy in his class who didn't want him to have an excellent stamp always. Coming from his mouth he said " he is so greedy mom, why is he like that?" And I told him "son, you should know your true friends. A friend should be giving, loving and caring".  And he replied "well he is not worth keeping" but the next day he still played with that boy. He said "I'm not following him if its bad mom". 
       We sometimes neglect these things because they are young and i believe this is where good parenting comes in. How we can control it and how we can stay confident is through constant prayers for our children whenever they are away. Praying for their safety, the friends they will meet, the future they will choose and the partner they will live with for the rest of their lives is a parent's responsibility. Constant communication with our children and knowing their friends are good ways of keeping track on how they behave.

       Our loving God, we thank you for our children. We thank you for giving us the opportunity to be parents to instill goodness in their hearts. Give us wisdom everyday in every decisions that we will make in rearing our children. Help us to be good steward for this little creatures that you have blessed upon us. We entrust them to you and look after them whenever we are away from them. All this we pray. Amen

Thursday, February 21, 2013

God's love never fails....

A minute with The Lord:

Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.   ---- Isaiah 49:15

What a beautiful promise of The Lord for His children. His love is more than the love of a mother to her offspring. I am a mother too and I know how precious my children are to me but God's love is more than that. He knows everything about us. All our worries, all our joys and all our dreams. Let us not fret for whatever troubles we have today. Look up and believe that he took care of it already. All we need to do is to take time to pray and pour out to Him everything. Be free and comforted. His love never fails.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Weekend recipe for my lil' boys

Weekend is a time for our kiddos to get busy with anything they like. My eldest son named addy loves to pretend he is a chef. He is fascinated with preparing and cooking. Since he can not do the baking himself. I searched for no baking and cooking recipes. Thanks to smart parenting because they have this recipes for kids to enjoy to prepare.

Tip: it would be perfect if you use mixer to thicken the cream.

Cookies & Cream Ref Cake
Source: smart parenting

•    16 pieces chocolate cream-filled sandwich cookies
•    1 pack    NESTLÉ All Purpose Cream
•    1/4 cup    confectioner’s sugar
•    6 slices    store-bought chiffon or sponge cake
•    1/2 cup    semisweet miniature chocolate morsels
•    4 pieces chocolate cream-filled sandwich cookies, coarsely crushed

In an 8.5” x 4” loaf pan with waxed paper or aluminum foil. 
Arrange 8 pieces of sandwich cookies at the bottom of the prepared pan and set aside.
Beat cream with confectioner’s sugar until thick. Spread 3-4 tbsp of the mixture on top of the prepared cookies.
Arrange 3 slices of chiffon cake on top of the cream mixture, followed by another layer of sandwich cookies. Finish with the remaining cream.

Watch these little bakers get started!

Sprinkle with chocolate morsels and crushed sandwich cookies.
*we used nips instead because that's what available in our pantry

Cover with foil or waxed paper and freeze for 2 hours or until set. To serve, unmold, slice and arrange in a platter.

* my boys had a blast although it did not turn out perfect but they enjoyed eating.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Prepping up for valentine's day

A minute with the Lord:

1 Corinthians 13:6-7
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love is the greatest word of all because it can heal and do wonders if you just believe in it. Let us freely show our love not only to our loved ones and friends but also to those who are in need of love.

To express our love to someone special it should not be extravagant and stressful. All you need is just your sweet tricks and your little touch.
1. Early in the morning: start prepare your love breakfast.
   Heart French toast with cinnamon
   Ready mix hot chocolate drink or brewed coffee
   Heart spam
   And a long stem of rosĂ© with special note like "you are my dream come true"

   Put it all in the tray and surprise him or her for a breakfast in bed.
   Don't forget to take time with The Lord by reading His word and praying.

2. Stick a special note on the mirror that says " you are my happy"
    That will surely make him/her smile early in the morning.

3. Prepare his/her bath needs.

4. Choose your favorite outfit that will surely look good on him/her.
      Lay it down on the bed together with his/her hankies, watch and jewelries.
      Leave a sticky note on top of the clothes that says " I love taking care of     

5. Pack snacks, fruit drink and water for him/her to munch during the day.
      Stick a note on the rear view mirror that says "be safe and I love you"
6. Prepare your bedroom with clean sheets and scented candles. This can bring great scents. Try to come up with a theme of scents such as bakery (chocolate, coffee, cookies) or fruity (watermelon, cherries, peach, strawberry).

7. Cook a delicious dinner.

8. Set up the dining table with a romantic feel.

9. Get ready of your love songs to play while your having dinner.

10. Choose an all time favorite sweet flicks and watch together with your honey while cuddling each other.

11. Don't forget to have lemonade and popcorn on the side for midnight snacks.
     You can use microwave ready popcorn and just sprinkle some flavoring.

Have a memorable and romantic night.

You have come to my nook. In here you will find great ideas about self, family, God, outdoor, craft, health, recipes and events. These are the things that I truly love. I was inspired by Emily Schumann of cupcake and cashmere and dr. James dubson of family talk to begin my blog to document my wisdom and experiences and most especially to share it to my family and friends.

February is the best month to start my passion. Love is the name for this month and we all share this great commandment of God. For He loved us so much that He gave His only son to die for us. 

Red is everywhere. Enjoy looking at my snap shots of goodies and decors....