Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Prayer of Jabez

Have you ever felt down and uncertain? It could be work, health, upcoming project, business transaction, love, financial status or future. All of us even the wealthiest and the most successful person is not immune to this problem. Sometimes we ignore it by simply not minding that it exists, but it keeps coming back unless it's resolved.
Just today I am worried about my business transaction and while I was calling God's name and asking His help, a thought about the prayer of Jabez crossed my mind. I searched it through the internet and I found out this short story about him:
 The prayer of Jabez is found in a historical note within a genealogy: “Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, ‘I gave birth to him in pain.’ Jabez cried out to God of Israel, ‘Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request” (1 Chronicles 4:9-10). 
Jabez was a prayerful man and His faith in God is extraordinary. There are also other bible characters whose prayers are powerful and God granted their prayers too. For Jabez his way of delivering his prayer is different from others.

After breezing through it, it gave me confidence to ask God and command Him to bless me, to prosper me, to keep me safe and free me from pain. It slowly helped me ease my worries that God is there for us. For He will grant our petitions. Start praying like the prayer of Jabez declaring to God everything and asking Him for prosperity each day of your life.

As Lenten seasons approaches let us not forget to thank God for all that He has done for us. First we should thank God for our savior Jesus Christ who died for our sins. Rejoice because we have a living God. Develop an intimate relationship with Him through receiving Him as your personal Lord and Savior. Nothing can make you feel better than the assurance that you are truly a child of God. Lastly read His words daily. Sing songs that will glorify Him. You will be amazed by His character. Pray spontaneously and release everything to Him. 

Real prayer—the kind of prayer Jesus mentioned and modeled—is realistic, spontaneous, down-to-earth communication with the living Lord that results in a relief of personal anxiety and a calm assurance that our God is in full control of our circumstances. By Charles Swindoll


Try checking some of the links that I love to read: 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

It's summer time once again!

It's Summer time once again!

     As the end of school year approaches, every parent has the same question: " what am I going to keep my child occupied this summer?" 
This ten weeks of vacation for kids will be a great opportunity for them to enhance their skills and talent be it in music, arts, baking, sports, photography, and outdoor exposures. 
A lot of schools and other private groups are offering summer workshops. It usually starts on April until May. 
      For my little boys I enrolled them to vacation bible school in our church, basic arts, introduction of musical instruments, dancing and swimming. My eldest son will join the McDonald's kiddie crew for 5 sessions. They will have 2 beaches to visit.
      This is one way of introducing to our little tykes that summer must be exciting and full of fun. Take time to discuss your options with your children. Plan it out well their schedule of activities so that it will not exhaust them. Remember summer is for relaxing and enjoying. Let us not forget also that this is the time to be with our family at home building memories together.  After all, it is summer.

Maintain a balance between activities with groups and time with family.

Here are the list that you can do with your children:
-search for kids craft from the Internet
-bake in your own kitchen
-play game boards
-invite over friends to play with them
-jog and bike around the village
-visit your local library and read a book
-bring your kiddo to a coffee shop with their favorite books or magazines
-tag him or her along when you do errands like grocery
-do gardening
-put up an inflatable pool in the backyard 
-teach your kids the old fashion games during your time like "tumba lata", "piko", etc.
-look for a nice video which you can have a movie marathon with popcorn on the side
-dress them up and take a photo and post it in FB.

May this summer will create fond memories for our little children.